Where Can U Get Kids Finger Printed in Hanover

Summer Camp


What's a day like for your child? Summer Camp

About our Ages 5 to 12 Summer Camp in Hanover, MD

When schools out and its summer break, you can rely on Kiddie Academy's® CampVentures® for your summer childcare. Our summer daycare programsturns your child's ordinary summer into a summer of exciting exploration. Through hands-on activities, field trips and themed events, we make our kids summer camp fun, yet educational by expanding on our Life Essentials® curriculum and helping them make connections to the world around them.

CampVentures inspires imagination through hands-on activities, field trips and themed events, while balancing individual needs and interests.

Strict health and safety procedures will be followed

While your child is at our Academy, you'll have the peace of mind knowing that they're in a healthy and safe environment thanks to Health Essentials, our enhanced health and cleaning initiative based on CDC guidelines to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.

If you're ready for more info, we'd love for you to come visit us

Life Essentials®


CampVentures makes summer educational and fun, transforming it into an enjoyable and strong foundation for the future. From preschoolers through elementary school students, we use our Life Essentials® curriculum to reinforce lessons learned during the school year.

2-Year-Old Program

Focus: We stimulate the curiosity and develop the learning of even our smallest campers.

Activities foster creativity and build on skills your 2-year-old already knows, while recognizing the need to use their bodies as they explore new skills. Our hands-on activities relate to familiar themes. Teachers use finger plays, songs, movement activities and age-appropriate children's literature – including books that promote sign language and Spanish – to enrich the summer camp experience for 2-year-olds.


  • Developing fine motor skills and practice writing by creating Scribble Journals.
  • Discovering which toys float and which sink by playing with them in the water table.

Learn On®

Learning continues beyond the classroom. Here are some easy projects you can do to extend learning into your home.

  • Help your child create a Scribble Journal where they can practice writing to develop fine motor skills.
  • Discover which toys float or sink while playing in the pool or tub.

3- and 4-Year-Old Program

Focus: We examine real-world topics.

Our teachers use a project-based approach to involve your child in directing their own learning and investigating topics they help choose. 3 and 4-year-olds participate in activities focusing on language arts, math, science, technology, creative arts, drama, music, movement and character education that help prepare them for kindergarten. The project concludes with an event or project that displays their work and celebrates their achievements.


  • Making paper airplanes, measuring how far they fly and making a chart to compare the results.
  • Matching numbers to strengthen number recognition.

Learn On®

Learning continues beyond the classroom. Here are some easy projects you can do to extend learning into your home.

  • Help your child make paper airplanes, then measure how far they fly and make a chart to compare the results.
  • Make paper boats and sails, matching the numbers on each to strengthen number recognition.

5-Year-Old and School-Age Program

Focus: We allow your child to direct their learning to their interests.

The project-based approach allows children to select their own learning experience as they explore topics that interest them. Teachers are encouraged to follow each child's lead as they plan activities, like creating an art gallery or preparing a museum. Each 5-year-old to 12-year-old student will arrange a culminating event or project and celebrate their work.


  • Planting and tending a vegetable garden to learn how plants grow.
  • Using clay to make a bug sculpture to help learn the different parts of insects.

Learn On®

Learning continues beyond the classroom. Here are some easy projects you can do to extend learning into your home.

  • Plant a vegetable garden at home and let your child help tend the plants and harvest the vegetables. Ask them to show you the different parts of each plant.
  • Help your child come up with questions and use a digital audio recorder to interview family members to learn about their family history. You can also show them on a map or globe where your family comes from.

Health Essentials

Focus: Keeping your child healthy and safe.

Health Essentials is a set of CDC-based standard operating procedures that can help mitigate the spread of potential infection throughout our Academy. Health Essentials is a key part of our overall COVID-19 response, expanding upon existing disinfection and health protocols that offer parents and staff peace of mind and demonstrates our commitment to creating a healthy and safe environment for learning and working.

Health Essentials guidelines are focused on four principles designed to cover various preventative, protective and corrective measures that address COVID-19:

1. Wellness Education

The solution starts with an understanding.

  • Children learn how following proper hygienic practices can keep them healthy
  • Academy staff receives training and must abide by enhanced health and safety practices outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

2. Enhanced Hygiene

Soap and water is the best solution.

  • Soap and water offer the simplest solution to combat infection
  • Staff increase handwashing frequency
  • All children must wash their hands upon entering their room at the start of each day and all recommended times thereafter in addition to following standard Academy handwashing procedures

3. Healthy Environment

A clean facility keeps families safe.

Academies adhere to advanced cleaning procedures:

  • Nightly cleaning
  • Daily laundering of soft items and bedding
  • Limiting items brought into the Academy

4. Symptom Monitoring

Keeping a watchful eye

  • Temperature monitoring at the Academy entrance.
  • Track symptoms using AcademyLink®
  • Isolate symptomatic children from others immediately upon observation
  • Contact parents for pickup from the Academy
  • Daily health check is completed upon arrival

Want to explore more?

Learn how we help your child develop into a thoughtful, caring, and adaptable individuals using our learning approach that exceeds state standards

Questions? Answers.

Explore some of the most frequently asked questions from parents.

Q. What if my child gets sick?

A. We'll call you or a designated adult from your Emergency Information Form so that your child can be picked up as soon as possible from the Academy. While waiting to be picked up, your child will rest quietly, away from other children.

Q. What policies are Academies required to have in place to address safety?

A. Our facilities and outdoor play areas are required to have secure entries and exits that are maintained by an electronic entry system. Only individuals authorized by you are allowed to pick up your child from the Academy. All employees are required to have undergone background checks prior to employment.

Q. Do I need to pack a lunch?

A. No. We provide an assortment of healthy, age-appropriate meals and snacks for the children to eat each day.

Q. What if my child has allergies?

A. Due to the high number of children with peanut allergies, we do not serve peanut products. If your child has a specific allergy, please list them on our dietary restriction letter so that we can make appropriate food substitutions.

Q. What are teacher qualifications?

A. All Kiddie Academy teachers must meet or exceed the state requirements for child care providers and are required to receive ongoing professional training annually. We also require background checks through local, county, state and/or federal agencies prior to employment.

Q. What is your discipline policy?

A. We do not use physical or verbal punishment under any circumstances. We use positive guidance and re-direction to acknowledge children's feelings and emotions and provide them with social scripts, problem-solving techniques, self-calming activities and choices and activities geared toward their interests.

Q. What will my child be doing?

A. Our summer program is built around a series of weekly themes that allow your child to explore and learn in creative and fun ways. Themes may involve field trips (we'll alert you in advance) or special visitors who make presentations in the Academy.

Q. Can I drop in to observe?

A. Due to the concerns around COVID-19, we are unable to allow drop-in observation by parents or family members. We hope to reverse this rule as soon as it becomes safe.

Q. Do you take the children outdoors?

A. Yes, weather permitting, we take children outside daily. Children should be dressed appropriately for playing on our playground or taking group walks.

Q. Do you take field trips?

A. Yes, we will take the children on field trips. You will be notified in advance of any planned trips and will need to sign a permission slip to return, along with any fee, prior to the trip. Transportation for the field trip is provided by or arranged by the Academy.

Q. How do you use technology in learning?

A. Kiddie Academy teachers use technology as learning tools and a means of communication. We feel it's important to teach children how to use devices they will encounter in school, so they are given opportunities to use them for educational play and research. The use of televisions or computers for passive viewing is not part of Kiddie Academy's curriculum.

Q. What is your health and safety policy?

A. Kiddie Academy® Educational Child Care follows our Health Essentials guidelines, a set of standard operating procedures that can help mitigate the spread of potential infection throughout our Academies. This includes precautions and recommendations for COVID-19 which are specifically focused on social distancing, disinfection, wellness education and symptom monitoring. These protocols may vary based on region and level of outbreak in the area. The goal of Health Essentials is to uphold the highest level of health precautions and cleanliness for proper child care delivery.

A background image of a playground at Kiddie Academy

Find out more about our Academy.

Contact us to learn more about what makes Kiddie Academy stand out among educational child care providers. A member of our team will contact you.

Welcome tips and insights to the family:

Parenting Essentials ®

The learning doesn't stop for parents, either. That's why we created an information resource with helpful tips on everything from enriching our STEM program at home to introducing lifelong healthy eating and fitness habits.

Where Can U Get Kids Finger Printed in Hanover

Source: https://kiddieacademy.com/academies/hanover/programs/summer-camp/

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