Where Does the Allegheny River Start and End


Foxburg to Parker in Clarion County. This section is 2 1/2 miles in length, asphalt paved, and detached by 4 miles from the 27 mile section which runs from Franklin to Emlenton. We just drove to Foxburg and had lunch then biked the short section multiple times for a good ride. Foxburg is a tiny little town one block in length which offers a few places to eat, a hotel, winery and few shops. Nice section of the trail between Foxburg and Parker. plenty of shade as it follows the Allegheny River.

Biked with a small group from Franklin to Sunnyslope. We rode South from approx mile marker 123 in Franklin to 111 at Sunnyslope. This is where the pavved trail ends and you would take the gravel section 3/4 of a mile to pick up the paved trail again. From Franklin to Sunny Slope is a nice 25 mile round trip all paved with very little grade. We met up with another group of riders as we stopped at the Belmar Bridge. It was nice to share trial stories at that time. As always, a great ride.

June 19, 2021
Husband & I, both in our mid 60's, hopped on this trail at the parking lot where the Allegheny & Samuel Justice trails meet. The lot was a little tricky to find, it's just a narrow driveway down off the main road, but the lot itself had plenty of parking, several fairly clean port-a-potty's as well as a few covered picnic tables. The paved trail bed is smooth and fairly flat, making for an easy ride, one that enabled us to really enjoy the natural surroundings. The first few miles are alongside the main road, so there was some traffic noise to start, but after a bit, the two separated and the road noises disappeared. The river views are stunning, with multiple boaters, kayakers and fishermen along the lazy waters. Critters abound, we saw multiple rabbits and squirrels, the chipmunks enjoyed playing chicken with us. Momma dear and her spotted twins watched us warily, but continued snacking on the plentiful vegetation.
There is an area about 13 miles in where the trail evidently needed to skirt a small community and the trail bed is gravel. As a tentative rider, I walked the hillier section, but for the most part, I rode low & slow & managed to get to the other side unscathed. The next area was quite interesting, the summer/vacation communities with their sloping lawns and cabins on the hill were for the most part empty of their families.
Then came the Kennendell tunnel and going through it, you will understand the words "dark as pitch". Even though we tested them the night before, my headlight didn't work and his wasn't bright enough to follow safely (did I mention that I'm a tentative rider??), so we walked through – easy peasy but flipping DARK!! And COLD – the temperature drops at least 15 degrees. Finally, daylight & we rode for another couple of miles, hitting 20 and turned around. Going back through the tunnel, I remembered the flashlight on my phone and Ta-Da, I managed to very, very carefully ride back through (was very proud of myself!). And then…it started to rain, which quickly turned into a deluge. I have never been that wet on a bicycle before! And that is about the only criticism I may have about this trail, there was no place along the 20 miles to get out of the weather. There are benches scattered about & a viewing station, but until we got back to the parking lot, nothing with a roof was available. Grateful it wasn't a thunder storm.
All in all, I give this trail 4 stars for the ease of ride, maintenance, views and variety as well as accessibility, parking and restroom availability.

May, 2021 we parked in Emlenton and biked North towards Franklin. We went from mile marker 98 (we think, didn't see one) to mile marker 111 at Sunny Slope. This was a 26 mile round trip. During our ride we went through the Rockland tunnel and Kennerdell Tunnel. Tunnels are lengthy, you can't see the other end, you need a light! Great ride except for a few bumpy sections in the asphalt from tree roots. No services along that stretch, take snacks and water.

Bike packed this trail twice and am looking forward to doing it again.

Bike packed this trail twice and am looking forward to doing it again.

The flattest trail I've ever ridden. Very fragrant honeysuckle bushes abound. The only flaw is the .75 mile gravel section. My skinny tire recumbent bounced like I was riding over marbles. Empty your bladder before riding the trail, potties are few and far between.

May 2021- Spring ride. Biked from Franklin and traveled South to Sunnyslope and back for a 25 mile round trip ride. Beautiful day for a nice ride along the trail. This trail is asphalt paved. We started in Franklin and saw Belmar Bridge approx 5 miles into the ride, traveled 3 more miles to Indian God Rock. 2 more miles thru Brandon and another 2 to Sunnyslope.
Then headed back.

My wife and I enjoy the trail so much we bought a small house in Franklin to spend the summers biking and hiking, We also enjoy the other trails in the area and can't wait for the completion of Erie to Pittsburgh. I have completed the GAP and most of the C&O trails and believe the Allegheny River Trail to be the cream of the crop.

Early November Ride-Trail is cleared of leaves

Biked 30 miles early November. From Franklin to 12 miles South and back then up a few miles on the Samuel Justus Trail.
The trails association, AVTA, have cleared the leaves from the trail. They spent a good deal of time on cleaning up the fallen leaves and cleared the trail nicely.
Unseasonal warm temps and was able to get out and enjoy the trail.

60k for my 60th Birthday

Did a 60k ride (40 miles). Dreary and cool fall day with sections of the trail covered in thick and heavy wet leaves. But overall, and as always, a great ride. Biked from Franklin to below Brandon and back then up to Oil City and back on the connecting Justus Trail.

Nice ride with a group of friends

Beautiful fall foliage hanging on! Rode with a group of friends we traveled from nearby Mercer and Clarion counties.
We biked from Emlenton to Kennerdell and back. Enjoyed the ride and also met a lot of friendly people on the trail that day.
Make sure you have good lights for the tunnel.

October 2020 Fall Ride

Biked from Emlenton to just North of the Kennerdell tunnel at mile marker 110 and back for a 28 mile round trip. Beautiful Fall day and enjoyed the foliage.
Quite a few people out on the trail and all friendly.
We went though both tunnels so make sure you have a light. Take what you may need along your ride because there isn't anywhere along the trail to get anything. Trail services in Emlenton. Parking in Emlenton next to the Post Office on Main Street.

What a beautiful ride! Gorgeous view of the river. Traveled 22.2 miles of quiet easy beauty! One small stretch of gravel was a drag by will be back! Traveled from Cleveland

We rode out of Emlenton, where you can only ride north. We did a total of 24.5 miles, out and back. The trail blacktop was buckled in areas, it was worse coming back. Otherwise, it was a gorgeous ride. Heed the warnings about a flashlight. The tunnels were around miles 7 and 12.25 going north from Emlenton. You can't see anything in the tunnels without light.

Beautiful Ride - almost 5 stars

Rode this trail with my wife from Emlenton north. A beautiful, peaceful ride along the river. After the Kennerdell tunnel, about a mile further, we came to the blockade preventing any further trail cycling. A posted sign pointed to the detour and the dravel roadway of this trailer park. The roadway is not flat, and I say gravel "lightly" as it is actually stone and or river rock. This is unridable due to danger of balance, etc. We rode hybrids with 32cc wheels. We were unwilling to walk the detour. Perhaps if we were younger, we would have walked it. But there are plenty other Rail Trails to find and ride. So at this almost 14 mile point, we rode back to Emlenton. To say this is a disappointment is an understatement. Unsure how the trailer park purchased the land and then decided to disallow the passage of bicyclists. So, 28 miles for the day, but once again, a beautiful ride.

Always an enjoyable lengthy ride on this trail. Biked from Franklin to South of Brandon, approx 12.5 miles and back to Franklin. Then 5 miles up on the connecting Justus Trail.
Just an all around well maintained trail for a nice ride.

Beautiful 60 mile ride. Franklin to Emlenton, and back for a 55 mile round trip, then went up the Justus Trail for a few more miles to round off to 60.
Traveling South near Brandon we saw a deer swimming across the Allegheny River and he ran up the bank and across the trail. We saw it was a small buck with antlers in velvet.
Trail is very well shaded for the most part on a hot summer day.
Batteries were old in the bike light which made it dim, but managed through the two tunnels, so in Emlenton went to the Dollar store for fresh batteries which did the trick on the return trip.
This is a great trail for a nice long ride.

Calm ride, great food after in Franklin

Great ride. Very peaceful. Way to get in some exercise and some stress reduction. Many places to stop, especially along the Samuel Justus part of the trail going north to Oil City. Nice restaurants in Franklin.....Leonardo's pizza great; Benjamin's Roadhouse has nice variety also. Have not tried Trails to Ales yet, but was told it was also good. Bella Cucina is good, but for eclectic tastes. Pricey, but that's what I would expect for more upscale dining.

A week after the 40-mile ride, did a 50-mile ride. This trail is great if you'd like to get in a long ride.
Parked in Franklin and headed South thru Belmar, then Brandon, Kennerdell Tunnel and Rockland Tunnel. Biked to the South end of the Rockland Tunnel which was 22 miles from Franklin. Be sure to have a light for each tunnel as they are nearly a mile in length.
Great day for a ride. The only section not paved is the few mile detour just South of Brandon to a little before the Kennerdell Tunnel.
The detour is due to the trail ends then you have to go on a dirt road section for a few miles before returning back to the actual paved trail.
It was a weekday and the trail had few people on it but they were friendly. We stopped and talked to some along the way.
Once back in Franklin at a tripometer reading of 44, went North onto the Justus trail and back to Franklin to round the trip off to 50 miles.
Once you leave Franklin, heading South, be prepared with water and snacks because there is nothing until you would get all the way to Emlenton!

Very beautiful and peaceful trail to ride along the Allegheny River. Take a strong and bright flashlight to get through the two tunnels as you will definitely need one per person. I will definitely return from the Pittsburgh area to ride this trail again!!!

I did this trail last year and it was really nice. As of June 2020, there are many tree roots that have uplifted the asphalt (many places). I broke 2 spokes and the front wheel hub is loose from this. Maybe the bearings are loose from the asphalt. I doubt it will be an easy fix if it can be done at all. And it can only get worse over time. Thats the problem with asphalt trails where are trees close by. Friendly people along the trail. Several miles near Franklin are open where there is no shade so be prepared. Starting in Emlenton there is plenty of shade.

Parked at the Saltbox/Trailhead on Route 322 in Franklin. Biked from Franklin to South of Brandon where the asphalt ends and gravel section starts. The gravel section is approx 1.5 miles in length detouring around the trail. From Franklin to this point is 12.5 miles. Biked back up to Franklin for a nice 25 mile round trip. To get the additional miles in, once in Franklin jumped on the Samuel Justus trail into Oil City and back.
Great Saturday for a ride. Good amount of people out on the trail as well as enjoying the Allegheny River which follows the trail.
As far as trail services, once you head South out of Franklin there is nothing so be prepared with water and snacks.
Some trail highlights are 5 miles South of Franklin is the Belmar Bridge which is the Sandy Creek Trail. Travel another 3 miles to Indian God Rock and look across the river and you will see the Sandy Creek Trail at Fishermans Cove.
Franklin PA is a fairly decent sized town with gas stations, restaurants and other stores.

Stayed at the Barnard House B&B in Emlenton and rode my High Wheel up to franklin and back. Great trail.
All nice asphalt, but there is about 1/4 to 1/2 mile of gravel because the land owners didn't want the trail to go through their yards, so it had to make a detour around the properties. Not a big issue if you are riding a trail bike. But a road bike is possible. I had to walk my High Wheel on that section. There are two very long, VERY DARK tunnels so you need a good strong light to use to stay on the asphalt. I will be going back in June 2020 to do the trail, stay at the B&B and also do the Blues n BBQ event in franklin.

We rode the ART south from Franklin as the last segment of a ride from Titusville via the Oil Creek and Justus Trails. The paved surface made it easy-going (until the detour at MP13), and the scenery was beautiful. As has been said in previous reviews, there's a definite dearth of facilities away from the towns. Even a bench here and there to take a break at would be an improvement. It is possible to ride the unimproved section of the trail south of Emlenton, but be warned that trail conditions rapidly deteriorate from gravel to rock, to dirt, and then inches-thick mud before you're greeted by a chain across the path and "No Trespassing" signs about two miles in. At this point, you're only about a mile from Foxburg, so hopefully the ART folks can work it out with whoever controls the property or properties to be able to close that gap.

Parked in Franklin at the Saltbox visitor center and biked to just South of Brandon and back which is 12.5 miles each way. Nice asphalt pavement the entire way.
At the 12.5 mile marker the asphalt ends. To continue on the trail you have to take a bumpy gravel dirt road for a few miles then the trail does pick up again at the Kennerdell tunnel for more miles of asphalt.
Basically flat trail follows the Allegheny River.
From Franklin the Belmar Bridge is approx 5 miles and go another 3.5 miles for Indian God Rock, on the National Register of Historic places.
There are no services along the trail so take plenty of water and / or snacks.
A nice 25 mile round trip is from Franklin to where the asphalt ends, and back. Franklin PA is mile 0.

Nice maintained walking trail at Emlenton end.

I walk regularly on this trail from the Emlenton trailhead for mild exercise. I'll walk for a mile or perhaps a bit more before returning. I've also been on the Parker-Foxburg trail section but only once in a while.

As long and as far as I've walked it, it has been maintained in good shape; flat, paved and, except for maybe a fallen tree, free of obstructions. Winter, of course, you'll be in snow; it isn't plowed. Once in a while you might encounter the tractor mowing the grass along the side. The Emlenton trailhead has a portable toilet this year (2019); its been clean when I've used it. A trash can is also at the trailhead.

Emlenton has an IGA grocery store should you want snacks, and there is a pizza shop in town on the main road.

Very nice Trail w/one very small 3/4 mile of stone/gravel

I drove 5 hours just to do this ride and was not disappointed. I stayed at the Barnard House B&B (very nice and clean, great breakfast), at the trail head. I rode this on my 54" High Wheel. This is a really nice trail to ride. Two long tunnels that are DARK, so make sure you have a really good light. Reflectors in the tunnels will help when the lights hit them.
Due to legal issues with a few land owners, the trail makes a short diversion of about 3/4 mile of gravel. IF you are using a road bike, you should walk it, if using a trail bike, you will be fine (I had to walk my High Wheel, took about 25 minutes to do each way).
There is a small section that the tree roots have uprooted the asphalt, but it's just a very small section. Regular bikes will be fine
I still give this 5 stars.

3rd trail in one day on the AVTA trails!

Biked from Franklin to the Belmar Bridge. The 3rd trail that day on the Allegheny Valley Trails Association trail. Also biked Samuel Justus and Sandy Creek.
From Franklin to the Belmar Bridge is approx 5 miles. Trail follows the river and is basically flat and asphalt paved. New pavement within the past few years.
Trail services in Franklin but nothing as you travel South.
Great all around trail.

My wife and I did several sections of this absolutely wonderful trail. We biked from the Saltbox 9 miles down to the Native American God Rock and back, and also biked from Emlenton north to the Kenderdell Tunnel and back. We were surprised to discover that the trail is paved from the Saltbox to Emlenton. The scenery was great, the ride was great and the volunteer staff at the Saltbox was great.
I only have a couple of cons for the trail. Bathrooms are difficult to come by in some of the more remote sections of the trail. There are ample bathroom facilities close to Franklin, but few were available from the Rockland tunnel until you hit the Sandy Creek Trail. Another issue was finding parking areas between Emlenton and Sandy Creek.
The two tunnels were gorgeous, but the Rockland Tunnel needs some work due to water leakage into the tunnel.

Overall, we were pleasantly surprised at what a gem this trail turned out to be. We definitely plan on returning.

Parked at the Saltbox in Franklin PA and biked to the Belmar Bridge and back, approx 5 miles. Parking area in Franklin holds a large number of cars. Also picnic area at the parking lot. Trail is flat and asphalt paved in very good condition. Trail follows the Allegheny River.
This trial seamlessly connects with the Samuel Justus Trail.

ART Has a Lot Going for it...But...

Pros: spectacular scenery, paved surface, history, tunnels! Never seems to get packed like sections of the Great Allegheny Passage do on summer weekends or holidays.

Cons: Here's why i don't think that the ART will rival the GAP in terms of ridership volume in the near future: first, as others have said, for long stretches there are no restrooms, water or amenities such as benches, picnic tables, etc. that make a trail truly user friendly. This is hard on some people, especially kids, and there's really no place to find a 'green restroom' if you know what i mean given all the no trespassing/private property/keep out signs along the way. Second, the stubborn property owner and the ROW issue really need a solution so that the trail is seamless end to end. The GAP and the parent company of Sandcastle finally finally worked out a right of way solution, as they did with a warehouse at the Waterfront. It can be done.

We drove to Emlenton where we picked up the trailhead and headed north. The scenery was beautiful riding along the river. Being October, the trail was heavily covered in fallen leaves, which made it difficult to see the hooved up asphalt on the trail. We were surprised that the trail was so bumpy, and it made for careful riding. There was one spot just north of the first tunnel that was very bad where water bottles bounced out of my basket onto the trail. Some kind of marking would definitely be helpful in that spot. The tunnels were exciting and scary at the same time, especially meeting riders coming from the opposite direction. The reflectors are positioned so the trail is split into two lanes through the tunnel, but we found it difficult to stay in one lane without running over the middle reflectors. Next time I will get a headlamp and not hold a flashlight. We weren't sure what to expect from the detour after reading others' reviews. I have to say it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be. The detour took us onto a wide uphill rocky path - great for mountain bikes but not road bikes. We pushed our bikes on the inclines and rode on the downhill grades. I have to caution other riders on the last long, downhill grade. Even with braking to a slow ride, I still skidded out and wrecked into a ditch. First wipe out for me. My husband said we were 100 feet from reconnecting to the asphalt trail. Overall the trail is level, but we did notice a very slight incline riding north to south, which probably explains why the first 17+ miles were so easy! It is constant peddling either direction. It was definitely a ride to remember and well worth the 90-minute drive from NE Ohio. As others have stated, you need to carry adequate fluids and be prepared if nature calls. We only saw the one porta potty at the trail head in Emlenton. Because we thoroughly researched the reviews, we were prepared. We rode from Emlenton to Brandon, covering 35.5 miles roundtrip. Next time we will go to Oil City and ride south and cover that section of trail. I would give the trail a 4-4.5 only because of the lack of facilities and the maintenance needed on the trail.

Rode 28 miles, two tunnels,waterfall

Began in emlenton, (drive down bike path to parking) after 1st tunnel went off the trail up fairly steep hill about a 1/2 mile to Freedom Falls. Very nice falls with old iron furnace just down stream. Back downhill to bike path continued toward Franklin through the second tunnel. Turned around at the landowners that won't allow passage across their property ( the trail does continue past them though). Nice ride!

We went from Kennerdell to Foxburg. The first part of the trail was great. A fun tunnel, nice views along the Allegheny River, benches and white picket fences along the bike ride. After Emlenton, there is no easy path to Foxburg. We wanted the winery to be our midway point, so we trudged through the undeveloped trail from Emlenton to Foxburg Winery. If this path ever gets paved, remove trees, and overall maintained, this route would get 5 stars.

I strongly recommend doing extensive research before attempting to locate and ride the Allegheny River Trail. Please note the following. The Sandy Creek Road off of Coal City Road is not a recommended access point for the trail. The road is washed out and is not maintained in the winter. Anything smaller than a medium sized SUV would likely return without a muffler. Also note that the Allegheny River Trail is below the big bridge where the Sandy Creek Trail crosses the Allegheny River period on a GPS altitude is not available and so it appears as though the two Trails connect. The trail is beautiful but seven miles South of the bridge at East Sandy the trail is cut off and detours into rough gravel due to an earlier washout and the property owner not wanting bikers on his land. All in all the trail is beautiful but requires research and precise navigation. It is advisable to access the Allegheny River Trail from the opposite side of the river where there is a small parking area near the Sandy Creek Trail or the Brandon Trailhead south of East Sandy. The historic railroad tunnels are best accessed from the emlenton end.

A Beautiful Trail (any chance of adding a few port-a-potties along the way?)

This is certainly a beautiful trail in a spectacular natural setting and with a lot of history, too. Thanks to all the other reviewers for their helpful comments. I'd like to add a stronger pitch for at least a few port-a-potties along the way. Seriously, 32 miles with hardly any public toilet facilities??? We started in Emlenton, where there IS a port-a-potty which we foolishly ignored, and biked up 10 miles, when we suddenly wished we could find a toilet. Finally we turned around when other riders told us that nothing was available. We're from Wisconsin where there is generally a little town every 5 to 7 miles from the days when steam engines need to take on water that often, and you can usually find a bathroom if you'd like to do the opposite. Wisconsin state trails require a pass which is about $20 for the year, and well worth it if it provides for these kinds of facilities. Maybe Pennsylvania could do the same.

This is a wonderful trail. If like me you read the other reviews and wondered exactly where the gap in the trail is, the north end starts at N Kent road, north of the tunnel by Kennerdell. So if you want to see either tunnel, start from the south end and ride north. Also: note that while this does intersect the Sandy River trail, they are not at the same elevation. You must climb a steep flight of wooden steps to get up to the other trail. Not a really big deal, as long as you're okay carrying your bike up and down.

Foxburg to Oil City to Foxburg.

Overall, we loved the trail and its incredible scenery. The Foxburg Inn was great and we highly recommend it. Two drawbacks to an otherwise superb ride, one small, one large. First, the small: There are spots along the trail, especially in the southern half, where tree roots have pushed up the asphalt. A few of these difficult-to-see spots go beyond merely bone jarring and into the realm of dangerous both to bike and rider. They could easily be marked.
Second, the .85 mile rocky detour that divides the southern and northern sections is not a minor inconvenience - it is nasty and feels like ten miles rather than just under one. By the time we reached the end of the detour, we were so PO-ed that it was difficult to regain the sense of gratitude that had built up in us during the first 13 miles. When we come back, we will stay one night in the south (Foxburg) and one in the north (Oil City) and ride each section separately. The experience of this fine trail is too special to be ruined by the idiot landowner who denies right-of-way.

Emlenton to Kennerdell Tunnel

I've been on this trail several times and it's probably one of my favorite places to ride my bike! Recently I started in Emlenton, rode to the Kennerdell Tunnel and back. It's best to take a light since there are two dark tunnels to go through. If you take your time you might be able the see some deer, geese, birds, or other wildlife along the way. There's also nice resting areas that offer great views of the Allegheny River.

Parker to Oil City & back (2 day trip)

We started on the little section of trail in Parker, thinking it would be easy to hop over from Foxburg to Emlenton on the roads - I would not recommend doing this. The short little Parker trail was idyllic, but the few miles from that trail's end to the next trail head in Emlenton was harrowing (riding on a main road - 268 I believe?- with heavy truck traffic was one of very few options). However, the rest of the ride to Oil City was quite enjoyable even though it rained through most of Day 1. As others have noted, there is a section of trail blocked by a landowner, and the detour around it is tricky (kids and inexperienced riders might have some trouble on the rockier sections, especially if it is wet as it was during our ride). The tunnels were fun, and we were glad to have our headlights along for them as they are quite dark. We stayed over night in an eclectic AirBNB in Oil City (look for "Deep River Guest House" on AirBNB) that met all of our bicycling needs (easy access from the trail, porch to lock up the bikes on, a quick walk or ride to restaurants, etc.), then journeyed back to Parker the next day. On the way back, we tried a different route from Emlenton to Foxburg, which was a different kind of challenge (a "roller coaster" township road with lots of loose, chunky gravel), which I would also not recommend doing. However, we rewarded ourselves with some samples at the Foxburg winery and made it the rest of the way. Looking forward to doing the Emelenton-->Oil City (or perhaps farther) trip again!

Leisurely ride to Franklin. Overnight at Barnard House B&B (lovely) and back to Franklin the next day. Path was stellar. Smooth and level. The tunnels were an adventure. Bike headlights were enough, but it was still a surprise at how dark it is in the middle of the Kennerdell 3/4 mile. The detour at Sunny Slopes is a big disappointment and the road is not maintained well, so be prepared to dismount if you're on a road bike. Fortunately that detour is only 3/4 mile and most of can be ridden at this point, but at some point the state needs to exercise its domain rights and force the man who is blocking the improvement of the detour road to allow it. Ridiculous and mean-spirited. Lovely path, full of interesting sights and not crowded at all. Excellent.

Very nice trail. Also feels like it's downhill both ways, probably the asphalt.

Stopped for a ride on my way to NYC. Got an airbnb about a mile from the trail head in Emlenton, PA. Road to the bottom of the trail and back. Took about 4 1/2 hours-ish. Lovely scenery with a lot of shade along the way. Was only 80 degrees when I came through and I was told by my bnb host I lucked out on the weather (not sure what it's normally like there).

One thing I'll say in warning is that there are two tunnels on this trail which are somewhere from .5 to .75 of a mile in length and they are curved, so about 40 feet in, it's pitch black. There are reflectors on the path, but if you don't have a light with you, don't proceed (bring a light!). Even with a light it was still a bit creepy. The lower tunnel was also quite chilly. The upper one was only a bit cooler then the outside, but was very wet. I will be returning as I believe this links up with several other trails. There are some resort-ish/cabins (right after a non-paved diversion) along the path with some people who are oblivious to biking traffic. I had to go slow around those places so as not to collide with the clueless, but they were mostly just kids having fun, so I didn't mind. The majority of the trail was largely human free. Hard to believe, with such a nice trail; on a holiday weekend even (7/2/2017).

After visiting out of state we were returning home and decided to stop in Emlenton for the night. The next morning we rode from emlenton to the Kendrell Tunnel. The trail was empty and and conditions were great. It was the first time we rode through tunnels that really required headlights. It was awesome. I plan on going back and riding the other connecting trails

great paved trail except !

Lucky for us the information center at Franklin was open. We were told about the land owner near mile 13 that has the trail blocked. Riders have created a detour around the property but it is a very rough ride. Other then that it was a beautiful trail. There was lots of debris south of mile 13, some from a recent storm some from trail maintenance. It was also not clear if the section between Emlenton and Foxburg was open to the public or not.

great all day out and back

Rode this trail for a second time this season. This day we rode from Emlenton to Franklin and back. Right at 50 miles. There are a few more miles east and south going out of the Emlenton parking lot, but you have to ride on the road for a bit. About 13 miles (going NW) there is a rocky detour around some camps. Must have been some dispute over the right of way. Anyhow, we made it through on hybrids. Not like on a straight road bike. Big loose stones and washout. Otherwise a fantastic ride.

We parked in Franklin and biked South to just passed Brandon. A little past Brandon the pavement ends for a short section. So if you want to stay on asphalt paved, it's 12.3 miles from Franklin to Brandon. And then back, makes for a nice ride.

A lot of tree coverage so it was nice when full sun.

New asphalt pavement from the Belmar Bridge to Brandon. The rest of the pavement is in good condition but this new asphalt is really nice.

At Brandon, there is a self serve beverage place. It's called Brandonacres Pop Shop. Cold water, pop and gatorade. You can see it from the trail. This is pretty much it as far as services in that area! Be sure to have singles and quarters as there is no attendant and you drop the money in a sealed box welded to the wall. So there is no way to get change. Still a great service!

One of my favourite trails!

Awesome trail, the 2 train tunnels are a blast to ride through, take a light, it's pitch black in them. Beautiful scenery along the Allegheny river, love it!

Great trail. The tunnels were pretty enjoyable since the temp was in the mid-90's when we road. This is a great trail -fully paved .

One of the nicest trails in West PA

This trail is always a pleasure to ride if your looking for an easy trip. The trail is well maintained and the grass along the sides is usually short.
My wife and I ride here a few times a month. It is well worth the 50+ mile trip (one way) to get here from our home.
Others have described the trail and surrounding areas, so I won't repeat them.
vicky1960- Thank you for your pictures and reviews of the trails. I have found information about the trails and areas around them from you that I couldn't find elsewhere. Thanks for taking the time to share your photos and info.

Apparently we were there at the same time msahli85 was there. So won't write the same thing. Msahli85 covered it nicely.

We frequent this trail, different sections each time.

Every 4th of July we ride from Emlenton to Kennerdell, about 12 miles round trip. We saw a mama deer with her fawn, numerous chipmunks, and various birds.

The trail is paved however some rough and bumpy areas along this particular section. Grass cut along the sides of the trail but some of the tree branches seemed to be overhanging along the trail.

No facilities along the way, keep this in mind! Also carry in/carry out. We took sandwiches.

Tunnels very dark, we had lights. As did everyone else we saw in there, whether in front of us or coming the opposite direction.

New sign installed in Emlenton representing the Erie to Pittsburgh Trail.

There is a Bed & Breakfast in Emlenton you can bike to the trail from. Also several eateries and a grocery store for convenience.

Water activites: there is a canoe/tube/kayak rental in Emelenton.

If you do not have your own bike, there is a bike rental in Emlenton.

New for July 2016, some updated photo's submitted.

Amazing Gem of a Trail!!

So many nice trails in this area, but the AVT is the best I have ever ridden. Highway grade pavement for a good portion, decent pavement the rest. Feels almost pool table flat for the whole route. Nice picnic tables and rest spots along the way. Old oil tanks and historic items all along the route. Right before the Kennerdale Tunnel is the detour around the camps. I have a mountain bike and thought it was a fun little change up. A road bike and even a hybrid may have some issues with the heavy gravel and washouts. But it is less than a mile before you are back on that beautiful pavement again!
Great areas to stop and picnic or swim. Not too crowded even on July 4th weekend, but enough people to say hi to make it feel welcoming. All the camps are so nice along the way too!

Tons of wildlife on the trail. Deer grazing on the trail, and 1000's of rabbits and chipmunks. The Allegheny is also full of life at this part and a refreshing swim!!

Keep in mind you are in a remote area. From Franklin there is one porta-toilet for 20 miles. By the camps a person has a seasonal ice and water stand. beyond that your on your own until you get towards Emelton!

Please note with the Kennerdale tunnel it is over 3,000' long and has a slight curve at the Easten end so heading East it is PITCH black darkness for 85% of the way through. ( I wont lie 1/2 way through for a second I thought it was blocked at the other end!!) Westbound could be ridden slowly without a light but East I feel would be way too risky, the path is raised so you'd take a dive off into some sketchy muck trying to ride blind!

Thank you so much AVTA and Rails to Trails for this trail. I will be back and I highly recommend it to any skill rider!

We road from Franklin to Brandon on the new pavement. Trail was in great shape for our 20 mile round trip.

We parked at the Belmar Bridge and rode our bikes across. At the end of the bridge, you can stay on the trail which is the Sandy Creek Trail. Or, you can take the bicycle stairs down below to reach the Allegheny River trail. There is white paint on the asphalt pointing to the Allegheny River trail. It looks like it's pointing to the woods but if you look below, you will see the steps.
We headed North on the trail to Franklin. And beyond to the Samuel Justus trail.
The trail is marked with mileage markers and mileage informational signs. If you look up on the hillside you can see old oil barrels and some old wells.
In Franklin there is a huge trailhead with parking, restrooms, an information center, picnic area. Across the river is a canoe/kayak launch.

Reply to Mama Dearest re: barrels

Those old wooden barrels along the trail are old oil barrels from way back in the day. They are abandoned and some have been there over a hundred years.

I rode the trail on a 3/26/16 which was a beautiful day. This was my trip on the ART and it was well worth the drive. The tunnels were great, the trail was well maintained, very easy ride, and the little communities along the trail are amazing.

Would recommend anyone within driving distance who likes to ride and get out in nature to get on and ride this trail.

Great Ride on Easter Sunday from Franklin to Emlenton, PA

My boyfriend and I have rode this trail a few times in the last year. We are from the Cleveland, Ohio area. We visited again on Easter Sunday. What a beautiful day. I speak for both of us when I say that this has to be one of our favorite rail trails.
I have a question that I could not find an answer.
Can anyone tell me about the large wooden barrels that are found along the bike trail? What were they used for, how long have they been there?
Thank you in advance and thank-you to Rail Trails for the beautiful bike trail.
Have a wonderful riding season.

Ken & Connie
Perry, Ohio

Franklin to Belmar Bridge

Planned on riding this trail further but ended up detouring onto Sandy Creek Trail. This is a great trail, well maintained with great views of Allegheny River. Plan on returning to ride again.

LOVED this trail!! It's paved, level, and beautiful! OK, I'm older. But in my day I have biked a lot of miles. I guess I have learned to appreciate life more. This is a wonderful trail to relax on and take in life. The tunnels add a little zing. Definitely bring a GOOD light, you will need it. Wish I lived a little closer to this gem of a trail. Definitely check it out. You will LOVE it!!!

Franklin to Kennerdell Tunnel

Parked at the large lot south of Franklin. Was planning on connecting with the Sandy Creek trail, but as others have posted, for now there is only a steep stairway connecting the two (see pic). Don't try going on the path past the stairway - it leads nowhere. There are plans to connect the two with a path, so stay tuned. For now, you cant get from one to the other unless you do the stairs. About a mile from the Kennerdell tunnel, the trail detours into a gravel road. Looks like some ROW issues. Tough going, but it can be done. Its worth it to get to the pitch black tunnel. Don't try it with a wimpy one bulb lamp. You will need a bright lite to get through. The reflectors on the path help, but you need a good lite. 16 miles Franklin to the tunnel. Great ride.

Friday, the day before the 4th of July, my cousin and I
rode from Emlenton to past Kennerdell. We went through the Rockland Tunnel and exited the trail on the other side. Pushed our bikes up the road (Rockland Station Road) to Freedom Falls and the old clay furnace. After our trek through the woods, we got back on our bikes and rode down the hill and got back on the trail heading to Kennerdell via the St. George portion of the trail. Went through the Kennerdell Tunnel then stayed on the trail as far as we could go without the detour through the woods and dirt road since it appears there are camps where the trail should be. We got off the trail at the Kennerdell tunnel and rode on the road to Marlowe's Campground near the tunnel. This is the only place within a lot of miles to get a bite to eat. We had pizza at the campgrounds. Got back on the trail and biked back to Emlenton.

Started out at the trail head in Emlenton and rode to Franklin. Had lunch, and made the return loop back to Emlenton. This is a beautiful trail. There is one detour that takes you around some private property that is a little challenging, course gravel and some dirt, but don't let it discourage you from doing the whole thing.

We parked in Foxburg and rode our bikes to Parker, PA. Though only a few miles in length, you can go back and forth. Trail follows the Allegheny River. Crosses over the Clarion River which flows into the Allegheny. This nearly 3 mile section is a part of the Allegheny River Trail that ends / begins in Emlenton. There is a gap.
Foxburg is a lovely little town which offers a winery, a restaurant, pizza shop, ice cream shop and hotel to name a few. Bike for a few miles, grab a snack or meal and watch the boaters on the Allegheny River.
If you bike down to Parker, it's a little off the trail to visit Parker but do-able.

Nice ride from Emlenton to Rockland Tunnel. 5.5 miles out and back. Trail in good condition following Winter. Some ice still remained in the Rockland Tunnel. River was high and fast moving. Benches along the trail for relaxing.

I loved it. was a great ride from Franklin to Emlenton and back. beautiful views of the river and the Belmar bridge. enjoyed riding through both tunnels. very peaceful. one small section that wasn't paved but that was part of the adventure. I will be back.

We wanted to pick up the trail at Brandon and just ride to Kennerdell tunnel today. I heard that a small portion of the trail wasn't paved through there....that is an understatement. You have to nearly mountain bike over hills, over rocks, etc. to go around a group of cottages along the river...WTH !!!! And we had heard that this tunnel was darker than the Rockland Tunnel...that is correct...very long and dark. I have enjoyed the Sandy Creek Trail a lot and the portion of this trail from Franklin to Brandon, but today's portion is definitely NOT my favorite.

Looking forward to riding closer to Emlenton on this trail and then back to Sandy Creek Trail.

As always, another great ride on this trail! Due to it's length and also the connecting trails, we seem to frequent this one the most.

Rode early September. Parked at Belmar and crossed the Belmar Bridge overlooking the Allegheny River. The Belmar Bridge is part of the Sandy Creek Trail. Once across the bridge, we took our bikes down the bicycle staircase to reach the Allegheny River Trail. We headed South.

It was a beatiful day and many had taken to the river. Canoes, kayaks and even a Paddleboarder. As well as Pennsylvania Anglers.

The little shed in Brandon was open selling ice and cold beverages.

We rode through Brandon and reached the dreaded gravel or non paved section. We had to take our bikes through the woods which I pushed mine since it's a hybrid. Once through the woods (about 1/10 of a mile) we got on the gravel road. We road through the area of cottages and on some dirt / gravel paths. All in all the non paved part was about a mile.

We reconnected to the paved part and continued to the Kennerdell tunnel. Turned around and headed back. Again passing through the non paved part.

Coming back we did stop at the Indian God rock and also noticed you can see the Sandy Creek trail across the River.

We rode back up to the Belmar Bridge and took our bikes up the bicycle staircase.

Taking the bikes up the stairs seemed to be easier than bringing them down.

A nice great trail as always, enjoy the ride! Photo's posted. Mike and Vicki....Northwestern, PA

Did an out and back from Emlenton. Views were spectacular. The trail itself is an easy ride, outside of the section that is unpaved...which was a little sketchy. The two tunnels are definitely a highlight, next time will get better lights :)

Overall it absolutely lived up to the hype for me.

4th of July we just rode between the tunnels. Parked near Rockland and biked to and through the Kennerdell tunnels. 6 miles in between tunnels. Nice day, nice ride. Level paved trail. Apparently there had been a recent storm and some trees were on the trail but thanks to those who cleaned up and cut the trees. Don't forget your light in the tunnels!

We rode this trail from Emlenton to Oil City and back in late July and thoroughly enjoyed it. Two tunnels (definitely bring headlamps or flashlights); an almost constant visual of the picturesque Allegheny River; and one off-trail, approx. one-mile segment on a gravelly side road are trail highlights. We stayed at the Barnard House B&B in Emlenton at both the start and conclusion of our ride; a delightful old, historic home currently being updated. We had dinner the first night at the Little It Deli (good Italian food) in Emlenton. Our first day we rode to Oil City, then returned to Franklin where we stayed at the Witherup B&B and walked to dinner at Leonardo's (more Italian). Total miles first day: 40. On our second day we returned to Emlenton for 29 more miles. There was one significant rock and mudslide on the trail - six miles south of Franklin - with which to contend. Fortunately we could switch into crocs to squish through about six inches of mud. I suspect this situation will be corrected swiftly by trail tenders.

Beautiful and shady

During serveral trips north we have rode this entire tail and its one of our favorites. Flat and shade. There are 2 tunnels along this trai, which are also fun, but very dark, bring your lights. A portion of the trail has some cottages and homes, but other parts are secluded and quiet.

Rode from Oil City to Emlenton. One of the nicest trails I have ever rode on. There is a half mile of detour that crosses some private land was very rough. So rough I think that's where I lost my light. I did not realize my light had bounced off until I was at the head of the tunnel. I was riding a hybrid tandem(recumbent front rider stoker and upright captain rear rider) so my wife held up the cellphone light and we creeped in on onward into the darkness. We survived and repeated as we went through the second tunnel. We were going to buy. A flashlight in Emlenton but to our surprise there is a bike store right in Main Street that had a good supply of lights from about 12 to 50 dollars, depending on the type of light. We stayed at the Barnard House b&b and ate dinner at Ottos a local tavern. Overall a great time a relaxing evening in a sleepy little town. Headed back the next morning with a new light and a great appreciation for one of the nicest trails around.

We road from Emlenton until the break in the trail on 4/12/2014. The Rockland tunnel is in bad shape from the winter. Large chunks of rock from the top of the tunnel have fallen onto the tunnel floor. There were large areas of ice also and large ice formations. This was all at the southern end of the tunnel. We carefully pushed our bikes around all of this and hoped that no more of the rocks from the top would fall on us! Then we continued and had a lovely ride. Be careful going through this tunnel.

Please be aware that the Emlenton to Foxburg segment is not open. This section, while physically ridable, is private property and not part of the trail system.

AVTA is currently in negotiations with the landowners for right of way through this area. Do not ride until it is advertised as open by the trail group. Thank you for respecting private property.

Debra Frawley
Greenways Coordinator for CGT & AVTA

Emlenton to Foxburg question answered

The trail is open from Emlenton to Foxburg. I biked it the end of last year. It is not paved, but is open, flat, very hard packed, and in very good condition the entire length. If I can post a link, this will show you what the trail looks like.


just a question.

Is the trail open from Emlenton to Foxburg?

Great fall ride

Drove up from PGH to do this trail today because friends have raved about it. And they weren't kiddin'. Rode from Emlenton (27.5 mile marker) parking lot to the 14 mile marker. Riding thru the tunnels alone is pretty eerie and relaxing at the same time. Take time to visit the Freedom Falls located up a steep, but doable road just outside the far end of the first tunnel. It's Oct and the leaves were only at about 25% of full color. The very level asphalt path makes for a peaceful, easy ride. I'll do it again in a couple of weeks if the weather permits, the trees should be in full autumn color by then.

The drone of my tires was deafening in the silence.

Never rode a paved trail before this morning. The Mrs. and I drove in to Emlenton to ride north. We made it all the way to the 11 mile marker. The paved surface means my knobby tires were a bit loud. For Rockland and Kennerdale tunnels, BRING A LIGHT. Both are long and have a bend in them so light doesn't get all the way through and they are very dark. I use a 250 Lumen LED light mounted on my handlebars with a simple bracket I bought on eBay. It was more than adequate, but the teeny clip lights won't be enough in there. The south end of Rockland was a bit drippy for the first 70 feet or so, otherwise both tunnels were dry. The pavement is in the woods, so there are some minor frost heaves and root bumps. Pay attention to the surface, even though the scenery on the river is so beautiful. We heard, but didn't get to see, an eagle. As you go north from Emlenton, just past the 13.5 mile marker you have to veer off the railbed for a mile and on a gravel road. That is the worst section and from south to north it's pretty well marked. I can see how someone going north to south the first time could get confused. If you're coming south, watch for the end of the pavement near a 3-bay white garage on the left. Follow the dirt road to the left just after that and at the first junction go right. Keep an eye out to see old alignments from time to time. There are some great cut stone viaducts hiding in the woods! The river is gorgeous, most of the trail is in decent shade, everyone we passed was nice. Great day, great ride!

Incredible ride..awesome scenery!

My wife and I rode the trail from Emlenton to rocklund tunnel..bring a flashlight!..
Trail is flat and easy to ride.
Our main goal was to go to freedom falls and rocklund furnace for some great photos.
Anyone wanting an awesome experience should make this trip..The bike ride is about 7 miles to the freedom falls.After going through the tunnel,you take the gravel rode up the hill to the right,about 1/2 mile up the road you will find the falls on the right side of road.Take path down to falls which can be very steep if you do not go to the right,then down to stream and then upstream to falls..The falls are about 20' high and 50' wide..The rocklund furnace is amazing and is an Historic lankmark built in 1832..Please take the time to view this amazing furnace and water falls.
Having the Allegheny in view on the entire ride makes it even better!
Just awesome!

Take the left fork!!!

This is a beautiful trail. Well maintained, nice pavement and a level ride. We saw a bald eagle and several deer..and only eight people during our RT ride from Franklin to Elmenton. So nice, as we are from VT and the trails we ride are often crowded.
I am grateful to one of the reviewers of this trail who mentioned that the trail seemed to come to an end at one point. Yes, it does seem to, and had I not had the alert, we would have turned around. Thank you!
About 13 miles in to the trail from franklin, the paved trail ends abruptly and there is no sign. The left fork is a gravel/dirt road through a residential area and the right fork is a neatly mowed grass trail and closer to the river.
TAKE THE LEFT FORK! We didn't, and that's another story.
The diversion is one mile long and we have road bikes and biking shoes so we were very anxious to find pavement again! There IS a sign alerting and directing cyclists at the other end of the dirt road, so you will see it on the return trip.
The tunnels are cool ( physically and fun wise) and another thanks for the suggestion to bring lights.. Definitely needed!
We truly enjoyed this beautiful trail and wish we lived closer so we could ride it more often!!!

This trail was nice and flat, a very easy ride. I was surprised when we came to the end as my GPS showed it about 5 miles short (could have been because we lost signal in the denser areas). We rode from Oil City to Franklin on the Samuel Justus Trail, then onto the Allegheny Trail. The tunnels were quite an experience! Even with a good LCD light we were still riding in the dark so the pavement reflectors were the only thing showing our way. We met up with quite a bit of bike traffic towards Emlenton but otherwise it was quiet and peaceful ride. Lots of wildlife and riding along the river was very scenic. The 1/2 mile section of unpaved trail was a bit tricky as our ride followed a rainy week and the dirt incline was slick, some areas had been layed with course rock so we walked our bikes on the grass beside these sections. It was a good opportunity to stretch our legs and 'cross train'! We plan to do this trail again but next time we will go out and back.

I rode this trail in July, 2012, while scoping out flat, scenic trails on which to ride my first century. LOVE this trail! The scenery is absolutely beautiful, the trail is clean, flat, paved, and well-maintained, there are no road crossings, and there are some twists and turns, which keeps it interesting. As other reviewers have noted, there are two tunnels that require having a light in order to get through them (I actually had a small flashlight with me, which was sufficient). There is one section (a half mile-ish long?) which follows a gravel road that is not suitable to ride with skinny tires, but it is well worth the walk to complete the entire trail. I don't recall there being many port-o-potties or places to refill water, so make sure you bring enough.

Truly cannot say enough about the beauty of this trail. Each time I thought I had hit the pinnacle of scenery, I went around a bend and saw an even more spectacular view. It is one of my favorite trails and on my list to return to. I live about 5 hours away and stayed at Oil Creek State Park Campground--if you're a camper, it's a nice place to stay, and the trail through Oil Creek State Park is also well-worth the ride.

New Access Point

We stayed in Franklin and I biked the four local great trails. Sandy Creek, Samuel Justus, Oil Creek State Park Trail and Allegheny River Trail which connects to the Justus Trail. The Drake Well Museum near Titusville is super to explain the birth of the energy industry and why we have these great rail trails. There are not many easy access points to the Allegheny River Trail below Franklin but we found a new one 5 miles below Franklin and just a 1/2 mile above Belmar off Astral Road where a tar road turns into good gravel and ends in parking circle just above the trail. Youker

Scenery Right off the Trail

I had been hearing about some pretty awesome places I have been missing by staying on the trail. At the Rockland tunnel trailhead, there"s a huge waterfall ( Freedom Falls google it) and a very old mostly intact Iron Furnace. Its about !/2 mile up the acess road for the trailhead and pull off areas for parking , Its a bit of a walk down to the falls , but its worth it and it is on Pa state game lands. You will see a trail going off the side of the road that will take you right too them. Becareful it is steep. You;ll be glad checked them out we were

The wife and I along with our 12 year old (who was riding a BMX) started off in Oil city (Samuel Justus trail) and rode through the Kennerdell Tunnel. Besides the 1/2 mile connector the trail was absolutely stunning. There is not a lot of places to stop with restroom facilities or water so it would be advised to come prepared as others have mentioned. On the way back we saw a little shack up on the hill that had water and pop for sale with an honesty box for your payment. Whoever set that up, THANK YOU!!! The only part of the trail that stinks is by the waste water treatment plant in Franklin, just hold your breath and pedal fast. We will definately be making another trip here in the fall to observe the changing of the colors. Well worth the the trip!

We rode this on our hybrid bikes on July 6 when the temperatures were in the mid-90s. We started in Elmenton and rode about 13 miles to the point where the trail ends and the gravel portion began. Weren't interested in riding that uphill for a mile to get back to the trail. The trail is pretty flat and well shaded, so it was a pretty comfortable ride in spite of the temperatures. Asphalt is in GREAT shape; there are a lot of benches along the way to rest and look out at what's going on on the river--lots of river activity when we were riding, though not many people walking or biking on the trail. The very cool air of the tunnels provided welcome relief from the heat--got a blast of cold air 25 feet before we even reached the first tunnel! Lights of some kind are an absolute must. Rock on either side of the trail is really soft and sloped downward, so very easy to take a spill if you should accidentally go off the edge of the trail (the voice of experience). Someone had ridden horses through the tunnel, so we had to be careful to dodge the presents they left inside the tunnel--due to the lack of lighting it's hard to see them coming before you're right on 'em. Fortunately, a hiker coming out of the tunnel warned us about it before we went in. Only 'facilities' is a port a john at the beginning of the trail in Elmenton. Will definitely do this ride again sometime.

My wife and I have ridden this trail a number of times over the past few years and we've really enjoyed it. The trail is almost completely level, but provides nice scenery is it winds along the river hills. Be prepared for the two tunnels - you will need lights, and I had a moment of disorientation as I entered complete and total darkness, even though the trail has reflectors. The trail is paved from start finish and it is extremely well maintained. The trail is very remote in places, so a patch kit and a biking partner is highly recommended. This is a pretty ride anytime of the year, but it's incredibly beautiful in the Fall.

This trail intersects with the Sandy Creek trail in Belmar. The trails are not directly linked, but you get from one to the other using the "bicycle staircase". Just south of Belmar is Indian Rock, something worth stopping and checking out.

This trail makes for a nice day trip from Pittsburgh - the (southernmost) trail head in Emlenton is 1:15 from downtown. The trail officially continues south to Foxboro, but that segments is unfinished and not recommended for comfort bikers. Someday they plan to expand the trail further south to Parker.

If you're traveling from outside the area I would recommend staying in Franklin - a very nice little town that seems to have perserved better than most small Western PA towns over the past few decades. From Franklin you have access to the Allegheny Trail, Sandy Creek Trail, and the Oil City State Park trail - each of which have their own distinctive features.

Overcast day...

My husband and I only rode a few miles on this trail. We parked at the trailhead on rt.322 just before crossing the bridge into Franklin. We actually started out on the Samuel Justus trail which links at that parking area. The trail in both directions was paved and flat, so riding was easy. It was an overcast day, so I think that may have influenced the 2 star rating..... There are picnic tables at the parking area, so packing a lunch is a good idea. The fall colors are beautiful, so I'm glad that we experienced it!

Dont forget to bring a light!

My Daughter and I joined the Allegheny River Trail at the Little Sandy. We followed the trail to Emlenton. The trail is great except for a short portion where the locals did not allow trail builders access to the old railray. You must detour on a rather poor gravel/dirt road. Not fun on our road bikes . . .

We came to the long tunnel and had no lights. We started into the tunnel and could not see out the other side. After a while we could not see our hands in front of our faces and could only go forward walking and feeling the edge of the pavement with our feet. It was creepy! I was just about to suggest that we turn around when we heard voices behind us. Two cyclist armed with great lights were bearing down on us. We joined them and made it through the tunnel just fine. I have been on the trail two more times and made sure to have a light!

There was one more short tunnel before we came to Emlenton, but no light was necessary. The trail is in great condition, an I plan on riding at least one time every year.

An excellent ride

On Sept 12,2011 my wife and I rode the ART from Emlenton. We wanted to ride up through the 2nd tunnel but my wife got a migraine and we had to turn around short of the 2nd tunnel. This is a really nice trail! During the 22 mile RT, we saw more deer than people. We didn't really have enough light for the tunnel. You really want a strong light to ride comfortably through. The trail is flat and paved for all the distance we traveled.

We started in Franklin and after 12.5 miles the paved trail ended? It looked like the trail continued but we were on road bikes and did not want to ride thru the sand as we did not know how far the sand/dirt trail was. If there is a paved path on the other side a sign saying the road washed out and the paved trail continues in 500' or something similar would be great.

Dotter Road entrance

Last year in April 2009 we did the Allegheny trail near Emlenton. We were RVing in a 29 ft rig. The rails to trails instruction from Google and the map from AAA told us to take Dotterer Rd. to get to the parking area near the long tunnel. What a mistake! This was a one lane dirt road up and around a mountainside with a switch back. It was rather scary! Once we got to the trail head at the edge of a tunnel it was great!! This is a very remote parking spot. There was a wonderful gentleman marking distances on the trail and we talked to him about getting out of the area without going back the road we came. He gave us some great directions and we only had to take one dirt road to get back to "civilization". I realize it wasn't really wilderness, as there were many people and homes on the dirt road. But our suggestion would be to park in Emlenton! We are going to do another section in the same area this year... hopefully we'll have a better experience getting there! :)

Directions to additional trail heads

To Brandon: Follow PA Route 322 to Cranberry. At the intersection with Route 257 at the Cranberry Mall, turn onto the Rockland Road and drive to the Coal City Road (look for the sign). Follow this road to the river and park at the end of the road. The trail is paved in both directions. To Rockland Station: Follow the instruction to the Brandon trailhead above, but do not turn at the Coal City Road. Continue on the Rockland Road for about 3 miles to Pittsville. Turn right on the Rockland Station Road and follow it to the trail. Parking is at the location of the old Rockland Railroad Station near the north end of the Rockland Tunnel. Another remote access point is at Dotter, which is upriver from Emlenton three miles off of Dotter Road. To Emlenton: At the northern end of Main Street, the trailhead is straight ahead through the parking area. Emlenton can be reached from exit 42 on Interstate 80. Come toward town, down the hill and cross the bridge into Emlenton. Turn left at the end of the bridge and continue to the trailhead. To Foxburg: The trail begins past the restaurant at the southern end of the parking lot.

Trail complete to Kennerdell and Brandon

This is an answer to the previously posted question:

The trail does go from Brandon to Kennerdell Tunnel uninterrupted and paved now. The trail departs from the rail right-of-way inland just a bit to go around and then meets back up with the trail. It's a short, well-marked detour and far better than having to carry your bike over the rocks!

My wife and I spent last week riding the Allegheny River Trial, Justus Trail, Sandy Creek and Oil Creek trails. We really enjoyed all of the trails. We stayed in Franklin and enjoyed the restaurants there as well as the nearby towns. The highlight of our visit was observing the bald eagles near Belmar and the beauty and history of the Oil Creek trail.
We enjoyed our visit just as much as our trips to the Pine Creek and GAP.

Is the section of the bike trail (south of the Brandon bridge and north of the Kenerdall tunnel) completed yet? It's th section where you have to take your bike away from the river and up behind some cottages.

themanfromvan Is Changing Web Site Hosts

Please be advised that the link listed in my other message is now a dead one. I am in the process of changing servers for my web site. For now, the link http://themanfromvan.tripod.com is a working one.
My pictures of the Allegheny River Trail, the Sandy Creek Trail and the Samuel Justus Trails are on Picasa, however. So, if the link above becomes a dead one before I get all this ironed out, you can see my trail pictures, along with those of some other area attractions, at http://picasaweb.google.com/1themanfromvan
Thanks to everyone who has visited my site in the past !!

"This trail is an hour and half north of Pittsburgh and easy to get to. When riding north on the trail from Emlenton it takes you through a very scenic stretch of wilderness rewarding the rider to a variety of outdoor treats. The trail hugs the Allegheny river cutting through a steep mountainous valley. On my visits to the trail I saw deer, turkeys, groundhogs, hawks and blue herons. The flat asphalt surface makes the pedaling effortless compared to other trails. What I liked best about the trail is the feeling of being away from civilization. The river is lined with summer cottages but not much else. There are no noises or sounds other than what nature provides. The two 1/2 mile plus long tunnels will be the highlights of your ride. Don't forget to bring a flashlight with you or the tunnels will be become a dark scary ""I can't see a thing"" cave. The tunnels are curved so you can't always see the other end. To best navigate the tunnels shine your flashlight at the reflectors on the paved trail and you will be guided to the other end. If by chance you forgot your flashlight you can still get through the tunnels. I just suggest walking and not riding. I am talking from experience."

Check Out My Website

"If you'd like to see more photos of the Allegheny River, Sandy Creek and Justus Trails go to:


This is my home turf and I ride these trails almost daily when the weather permits. Thanks everyone !!"

"In the summer and fall leave your bike in Emlenton (try one of the B&Bs)and take your car and canoe to Franklin (again, good B&Bs). The canoe trip downriver has many excellent camping sites as it is best done in two days. The bicycle ride back up river is easily done in a day. I did the one day version staying at my brother's place (thanks Larry) in Brandon this fall. Excellent scenery, plenty of wildlife (watch out for raccons while camping), eagles, and time for beer in the canoe between riffles on the river. "

"As fulltime RVers, we use the internet to search for great bike trails in the areas we will be traveling to. We were coming to western PA to visit relatives, and were glad to see that the portion of the trail leading to Emlenton had been paved. Since we were staying at the Gaslight RV park, we were just minutes away from the end of the trail in downtown Emlenton. Although there were no signs, a relative had asked someone how to find it. When we got there we found a paving crew at work laying down and rolling the asphalt. They were friendly and advised us that we could get on the asphalt just beyond the roller. We were the first ones to christen that section of the asphalt.

Unfortunately we had an appointment that didn't allow us much time, so we only rode about 7 miles, enough to get us through the Rockland tunnel.

We planned to ride daily for the week we would be in the area, but the weather did not cooperate. It rained a few days and turned bitterly cold and windy--especially for folks used to Florida weather! So unfortunately we had just a short but sweet experience.

We were just thrilled with the beauty of the surroundings and the quality of the trail.

A reporter for the local newspaper happened to arrive just as we were starting the trail and advised us that signage is coming as are plans for benches on that portion of the trail.

Although we only come to western PA once a year for about a week, we will try to ride this trail every day if weather permits.

Thank you for a fantastic bike trail!"

Emlenton to Kennerdell

"My wife and I took the trail from Emlenton, through two tunnels, to the other side of Kennerdell and back. The Emlenton side is newly open, you don't have to sneak over a gate anymore. Make sure you have lights for the tummels. Easy, flat riding with constant views.

The best part was the wildlife. On that one ride we saw 3 deer, two snakes (harmeless), a groundhog, a flock of grouse, an immature eagle just overhead, typical geese and ducks, and an animal we could not immediately identify. It was fox sized with short legs, dark paws and was fast. My brother suggested it could be a fisher, which I didn't think lived in PA. Turns out several were released in Allegheny NF about 10 years ago, so they have made it this far. We took the trail at an off time, on a work day in late July, but there were a few other people on the trail. "

Great Ride

"My wife and I just returned home to Michigan after riding approximatly 60 (flat) miles on this trail. We arrived in Franklin and went to the Country Peddler for a (free) map and some great input from ""Ken"" at the shop and everyone from the trail that stop there daily. They all said ""Do the Sandy Creek first"" which is Belmar to Van. You cross 5 bridges and one nice tunnel. We rode back and went the extra 5 miles west and back for a 30 mile ride. We then rode south from Franklin to just south of Brandon for a 30 mile ride. It was all very nice. Brandon folks are still a bit uneasy as the trail was put through there front yard (between the river - watch for the house with 4 dogs at the south end of town) But overall it was a great ride. South of Brandon is the real Tunnel experience, you'll need a flash light as the first tunnel has a curve in it! We will travel back to do more of this trail. We still enjoy local (Michigan) trails but have decided that Ohio (southern and eastern) are some of the best near us(2-3 hours)to get to. Please feel free to contact me at my e-mail address for a MI / OH recommendation.

"For the past five years, over labor day weekend, a group of us have ridden the C&O canal from Cumberland to Georgetown. This past Labour Day weekend (2004), we rode from Myersdale to McKeesport and back (~3 1/2 days). We loved this ride. The path was nice and mellow and the grade gradual. The only drawback from this ride compared to the C&O ride, is the lack of biker camper sites. We really had to do our homework and figure out where to camp and plan the number of miles we would ride each day accordingly. Ohiophyle was fun. Our favorite camping spot was just shy of Pittsburg at an old cemetary site along the river. We are gearing up for this years ride - possibly from Pittsburg to DC, even though the trail is not yet complete, we'll have to figure out a detour. "

Allegheny River Trail Review

"On Saturday the 30th of April I started off by parking at the Belmar Bridge parking lot of the Sandy Creek trail. I rode across the bridge, crossing the Allegheny River. At the end of the bridge, I had to go down a very steep set of steps. It was raining a little, so the wood was very slippery, and I had some difficulty making it all the way down to the bottom with my bicycle and the trailer I was carrying. At the bottom of the steps, there is a paved trail that connects to the Allegheny River trail, which is also paved. I chose to go North
along this trail up to Franklin. The trail was very scenic, and I passed a few campsites along the way. There are lots of islands, and lots of greenery. At Franklin I continued to ride along the Samuel Justus trail, and camped out for the night along the trail. Sunday May 1st, I broke camp and biked back down the trail from where I came the day before, but continued past the Belmar Bridge heading South along the trail. A few miles down from Belmar, we found the ""Indian God Rock."" This
is a giant boulder on the river's edge that supposedly has Indian carvings on it. There is an observation balcony, but I couldn't see the writings, so I walked down to the rock to get a better look. The Indian carvings are all but gone, but I did see signatures dating back to the 1800's all the way to
the present. This rock is on the National Register of Historic Places, but there were no signs at all to describe what you are seeing. I heard they were vandalized. Continuing South on the trail, we reached Brandon and then kept going till the pavement ended. There is some sort of land dispute between Rails-to-Trails and the land owners, so the trail doesn't continue on the railroad grade, but goes to the left of the trail and turns into a dirt road for about 1/2 mile or so. Follow the blue squares painted on the trees to be sure you are going the right way. The dirt road is muddy, wet rocky and bumpy. It also goes up and down in a few areas, and you may have to get off your bike and walk a little bit due to the steepness and tricky terrain. After that, the paved trail is back again, and I rode all the way
to and through the Kennerdell Tunnel, which is a really cool tunnel. I recommend a good headlamp, because it is really dark inside (you cannot see the other end because it bends at the end) but luckily, the pavement going through the tunnel has reflective markings that guide you along. At the far end of the tunnel there is a beautiful waterfall. Here is where I turned around, and went back to Belmar Bridge. After going up the steep steps (it was easier because they were dry), I went back across the bridge to the parking area and that was the end of my trip. I would like to do the rest of the trail someday. "

Caution north of the Kennerdell Tunnel

"I rode the trail from Franklin to just north of the Kennerdell tunnel on Friday, October 8, 2004. The pavement ends abruptly just north of Kennerdell. There is an old sheet of plywood with the words 'bikes' spraypainted in fluorescent orange pointing up a dirt path. There are private property signs accross the railroad right of way. I followed the path to a dirt road paralleling the river past some homes. Near the end of the road, there were a number of private property signs accross the road. I could see the old railroad right of way behind the houses on the river, but it appeared that the local residents have reclaimed this as their own.

I got the sense from a couple working in their yard that they were not too happy about me contemplating ignoring the private property signs and pushing on towards the tunnel. I chickened out and decided I had enough for one day, and did an about face. When I reached the paved section of the trail heading north, I ran into a local couple who have ridden the trail a few times and wanted to know if I had made it to the tunnel. I explained what I saw, and they told me that there were some local issues with the property owners and they had heard that some games were being played.

Hopefully, they will get the issues resolved. I don't think these folks realize that they are fortunate to have such a great trail so close to their homes. That being said, this trail is a gem. It is a very pretty ride. A side trip up the Sandy Creek trail is well worth the extra effort if you dont mind carrying your bike up the stairs. (Really! The trails are connected by a staircase up the side of a railroad bridge over the Allegheny River.)

I understand that the section south of Kennerdell is now paved and is ultimatly planned to go all the way south to Emlenton. I'm looking foreward to coming back next trip to PA and checking out the two tunnels between Kennerdell and Emlenton. "

For tunnel lovers

"This is one of the best trails in Pennsylvania. They just finished paving from the Kenerdell Tunnel to the Rockland Tunnel, so don't miss this trail. Please bring a flashlite for inside the tunnels."

I live nearby in Oil City and ride this trail a couple times a week (weather permitting). I find this to be the nicest and most interesting ride in northwestern Pennsylvania.

"Our family has been travelling north to Franklin quite often over the past year since we discovered the A.R.T. It's so nice to ride on a PAVED trail with little grade along the river (Samuel Justus Trail) - if it weren't for the water flowing by, it would be hard to tell sometimes if you're going uphill or down.

The Sandy Creek Trail is a real gem - worth the effort to find its trailhead by Belmar. Once you cross the big bridge over the Allegheny River (and over the Samuel Justus Trail), you're in a world of your own travelling up the paved trail through the Sandy Creek valley and crossing all the bridges. You do need to take some care going through the 1/4 mile tunnel - there are no lights, and some sections of bricks have fallen down. But you'll likely see more deer than dwellings - only two houses alongside the creek after the tunnel! Just wish there was an outhouse somewhere along the way . . . but it's not uncommon to travel a mile or more without seeing anyone else, so a quick side trip to relieve nature is not a problem."

"Really nice, it's PAVED !"

"I rode this trail last year, driving all the way from Altoona, PA, to check it out. It's a really nice paved trail; the only other paved trail this long I've been on was the W&OD Trail in Virginia. Started out in Van and rode West on Sandy Creek Trail. Nice bridges and small tunnel to ride through. Crossed over bridge at Belmar, great view of the river, never realized the Allegheny was that shallow. Rode South, checked out Indian God Rock and early American graffitti, then went down to the Kennerdale tunnel. Attempted to go through the tunnel, but that thing is so black inside I chickened out and turned around. My flashlight was about worthless and it was like being in a coal mine at midnight!

Headed up North and rode until end of the Samuel Justus Trail. Never having been in Oil City before I thought it was odd/funny seeing little miniature 6 foot high electric powered oil derricks alongside the trail pumping for oil. The smell from the crude oil brought back memories of the last time I added gear oil to the differential of my one car.

Overall a great trail, I really appreciate the effort and expense it took to pave the trail, and especially the fact that I didn't have to clean crushed limestone dust off me and the bike like after riding on a typical Rail Trail. I plan on visiting this trail again, and can't wait for them to complete the extensions they're working on. "

nice ride

My wife and I are rec. riders using basic mt. bikes. We enjoyed this ride very much. Be sure and go up on the bridge and try the new trail that heads east from there. There's an old r.r. tunnel about 2 miles further on. Walk it if you don't have a light.

Serene Ride along the Allegheny

This was our first exposure to the PA rail-trails. We were not disappointed either. A nice peaceful ride along the river. A great family ride.

Where Does the Allegheny River Start and End

Source: https://www.traillink.com/trail/allegheny-river-trail/

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